ReactJS vs React Native: A Comprehensive Analysis


The concept of web development is critical in the 21st century. A website or web application is required for any business, product developer, support provider, or marketer to communicate with customers and make their brand, product, or service known around the world. Given its critical importance, you must be aware of the day’s best formations and their relative positions. JavaScript has been used extensively in web development since its inception. ReactJS vs React Native are two of the most popular JavaScript frameworks that have swept the world, spawning numerous trends, jobs, and visually appealing websites. You should be aware of the differences between ReactJS vs React Native.

What are ReactJS vs React Native?

React Js:

  • ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library that is widely used in single-page app development services. It is a popular library for developing the user interface or front end of web and Android applications. It was initially developed and backed by Facebook in 2011, and it has since grown in popularity.
  • It enables developers to create fast, adaptable, and user-friendly mobile and web applications. It also lets them automate the design process. The features of ReactJS allow programmers to create whatever they want.
  • Developers can easily integrate plugins or libraries into existing code projects. It also allows developers to create simple web apps.

React Native:

  • It is nothing more than a native mobile development library. It is an open-source JavaScript-based framework created by Facebook to meet the growing demand for mobile applications.
  • It is a hybrid mobile app framework that enables us to create mobile applications from a single codebase. This JavaScript framework allows us to create mobile apps that render natively across multiple platforms, including iOS and Android.
  • It allows us to create cross-platform applications for all platforms, including Windows, Android, and iOS.
  • React.js provides a foundation for React Native to build upon. However, not all parts of the library are the same. Despite these fundamental differences, React JS and React Native are not identical. However, both technologies are excellent for their intended use.
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How does this work?

Within each React Native application, there are two main threads. The main thread, which operates in all typical native applications, is one of them. It interprets gestures from the user and shows the UI’s components.

React Native-specific is the second one. Its purpose is to run JavaScript programs in different JavaScript engines. JavaScript is utilized to handle the application’s business logic. It also specifies the user interface’s functionality and structure. These two threads block one another and never exchange direct messages.

Advantages of using React Native

  • The logic layer can be reused to create the same app for iOS and Android, saving time and money on separate development.
  • Certain code components are rendered using native APIs by React Native.
  • Working with React Native is simple if you know how to work with JavaScript.
  • There’s no need to rewrite old applications when you can fix them with just a few React Native UI components added.
  • React is added to applications by React Native, making it simple to use with a variety of tools.

ReactJS vs React Native: Compatibility

A JavaScript library called ReactJS is used to create user interfaces, and it works with a lot of different browsers, including Internet Explorer. React Native, on the other hand, is a framework for creating native mobile applications. Only iOS and Android, the two most popular mobile operating systems, are compatible with it. Its native components offer an improved user experience.

ReactJS vs React Native: Storage   

For applications like dynamic web applications that demand high-performance storage, ReactJS is a good option.

If you need to store a lot of data, this is also a great option. However, ReactJS is not the best option for large projects due to its challenging scaling.

For projects that must be scalable, React Native is a better option. It also offers improved cross-platform compatibility and offline storage support.

ReactJS vs React Native: Search Engine-friendly 

React Native is not as search engine friendly as ReactJS. ReactJS uses standard HTML tags, which are simpler for search engines to index, which is one of the reasons for this.

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Search engines can more easily crawl and index ReactJS code since it is generally more structured and readable than React Native code.

Even so, it is more difficult to achieve good SEO with React Native. This does not mean that React Native cannot be made search engine friendly.

Features of React Native

  • Platform-Specific Code: Writing platform-specific code for creating unique business apps and websites is one of the main advantages of utilizing React Native. React Native is a framework that detects the platform an application is running on and builds it automatically. This enhances your company’s development process by assisting in the creation of the appropriate code for the appropriate platform.
  • Accelerated Application Development: JavaScript makes up the majority of the code in React Native, which speeds up the development of applications by front-end developers. Developers only need to learn about the platform API, platform-centric design, JavaScript, and a few native UI elements when using such a web development framework. React Native makes it easy to get started and realize your business idea, even if you are not a great developer.
  • Hot Reloading Feature: Your development team will be able to reload a mobile application with ease thanks to React Native. This allows your company the flexibility it needs to improve user experience and loading times.
  • Intuitive UI Experience: Businesses can use the component UI libraries provided by the React Native Framework to give their users a smooth user interface. Building UI libraries from scratch takes a lot of time; sharing libraries like Expo, Shout On, etc., saves that time. You can concentrate fully on innovation when you use React Native. Rather than starting from scratch when curating libraries, you can concentrate on growing your company.

When to use ReactJS?

  • Single-page applications (SPAs): Building single-page applications, where the entire user interface can update dynamically without necessitating a page refresh, is a good fit for ReactJS.
  • Complex web interfacing: Disassembling complex client interfaces into smaller, reusable parts, simplifies their construction.
  • Large-scale web applications: Several major corporations use ReactJS for their web applications since it has undergone extensive testing and battle testing. This suggests that it includes a track record of successfully managing challenging and intricate use cases.
  • Responsive web plan: With ReactJS, developers can create incredibly flexible and responsive user interfaces that work wonders on desktop computers and mobile phones alike.
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When to use React Native?

  • Cross-platform development: It could be an excellent choice for creating cross-platform applications because it allows developers to write a single codebase that works on both iOS and Android. This could significantly reduce the time and resources needed for development and maintenance.
  • Cost-effectiveness: It enables faster and more efficient development, which can result in significant cost savings when compared to traditional native app development. Typically, this is due to the React framework’s ease of development and ability to reuse code across multiple platforms.
  • Speedier time-to-market: It can also help you get your app to market faster than traditional local development because it takes less time to build, test, and launch. This may be especially important for start-ups and businesses that need to quickly approve their ideas and gain traction.
  • Iterative development: It is used for iterative development, which allows developers to create, test, and iterate on their apps more quickly and easily than traditional native development strategies.


Q1. Are React Native and ReactJS the same?

Ans. React, also known as ReactJs, is a JavaScript library for building single-page web applications. Furthermore, React Native is a React JS-based framework for developing mobile applications.

Q2. Should I start with React Native or React JS?

Ans. React is thought to be more efficient and effective at displaying dynamic content than React Native because it employs a virtual DOM.

Q3. Why is React called Native?

Ans. It is based on React, Facebook’s JavaScript library for creating user interfaces, but rather than targeting browsers, it focuses on mobile platforms.

Q4. Is react native faster than react?

Ans. ReactJS is thought to be more efficient than React Native for displaying dynamic content..

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