How to Reverse String in Javascript?


Developers deal with a wide range of tasks in the field of JavaScript programming daily. The fundamental task of reversing a string is one example. Knowledge of how to reverse a string in JavaScript is a vital skill to have in your toolbox, regardless of your level of experience with coding. We’ll look at several approaches to Reverse String in Javascript and examine the fundamental ideas behind each in this approachable tutorial.

Reverse String in Javascript via Inbuilt Function

Let’s write a JavaScript program that uses built-in methods to reverse a string. Three simple steps make up this easy process: first, you split the string into an array of characters; next, you reverse the array; and finally, you join the array back into the string.


JavaScript Code:

function reverse string(str) {

  return str.split(“”).reverse().join(“);


console.log(reverseString(“Welcome to WsCube Tech!”));



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Reverse String in JavaScript Using Array

Using Array. from() and the reverse() method, you can reverse a string in JavaScript by first converting it to an array of characters, joining the characters back into a string, and then reversing the array. This method creates an array from a string by using the Array.from() function; it’s especially helpful for correctly handling strings that contain multi-byte characters or emojis.


JavaScript Code:

function reverse string(str) {

  // Convert the string to an array of characters, reverse it, and then join it back to a string

  return Array. from(str).reverse().join(”);


console.log(reverse string(“Hello World”)); // Output: “dlroW olleH”

console.log(reverse string(“”));



dlroW olleH

Using recursion to Reverse String in Javascript

This approach will reverse a given string by utilizing the recursion concept.

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function reversing(str){

if(str === “){

 return str


 return reversing(str. substring(1)) + str[0]




// take input from the user

const string = prompt(‘Enter a string: ‘);


const result = reversing(string);




Enter a string: Flexiple


Reverse of String in JavaScript Using Spread Operator (ES6) 

An elegant and condensed method of converting a string into an array of characters, reversing the array, and then joining it back into a string is to use the spread operator in a JavaScript program. An iterable (such as a string) can be expanded in locations where zero or more arguments (for function calls) or elements (for array literals) are anticipated by using the spread operator ().


JavaScript Code:

function reverseString(str) {

  return […str].reverse().join(“);


console.log(reverse string(“Hello World”));



dlroW olleH

Reverse string in JavaScript using the For Loop

We’ll examine an example of using the for loop to reverse a string in this section.



// A program to reverse a string using the For Loop


function reversingString(str) {


    // empty string

    let aNewString = “;

    for (let i = str. length – 1; I >= 0; I–) {

        a new string += str[i];


    return aNewString;



// take input from the user

const string = prompt(‘Enter a string: ‘);


const result = reversingString(string);




Enter a string: Flexible


Role of Using JavaScript Reverse String Program

  • Understanding String Manipulation
    • Fundamental Skill: Programming fundamentals include string manipulation. Understanding how strings are handled in JavaScript, including ideas like immutability and string manipulation techniques, is made easier for beginners by learning how to reverse a string.
    • Broad Applicability: Programming tasks that involve formatting user input, creating palindromes, or creating URL slugs can all benefit from the acquired skills.
  • Introduction to Loops and Conditional Statements
    • Looping Constructs: Students learn about looping constructs, iterating over arrays or strings, and incrementally building logic to accomplish more manual approaches to reversing a string (like utilizing a for loop).
    • Conditionals: Conditional statements can be used in more complicated versions to handle special cases, allowing novices to learn how to make decisions inside their code.
  • Familiarity with ES6+ Features
    • Spread Operator: The assignment can be completed by utilizing contemporary JavaScript features such as the spread operator, which introduces students to succinct and potent ES6+ syntax that improves the readability and efficiency of code.
    • Arrow Functions: This task can also teach you how to use arrow functions for callbacks, which are essential in contemporary JavaScript development when combined with array methods.
  • Grasping JavaScript Methods and Properties
    • Method Usage: JavaScript has functions like split(), reverse(), and join() for reversing a string. Students will gain familiarity with these and other array and string methods through this exercise, as well as an understanding of their syntax, return values, and side effects.
    • Property Access: It presents the concept of accessing properties of arrays and strings, like length, which is essential for interacting with and navigating these data structures.
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Importance of Choosing the Right Method for Reverse String in JS

  • Performance
    • Efficiency: Computational complexities vary amongst methods. For small to moderately-sized strings, for instance, using the built-in methods (split, reverse, join) to reverse a string is succinct and quick. Due to the overhead of multiple function calls and the creation of intermediate arrays, this approach may not be the most efficient for very large strings or in applications where performance is crucial.
    • Big O Notation: Determining an operation’s time complexity (e.g., O(n)) aids in forecasting how the execution time will increase with input size. For large inputs, an O(n) method may be better than an O(n²) method.
  • Resource Efficiency
    • Memory Usage: Certain techniques might need more memory than others. For example, in memory-constrained environments, methods that require the creation of additional data structures (such as arrays in the split-reverse-join method) may require more memory than an in-place reversal using a loop.
    • CPU Time: The amount of CPU time needed for each method can differ greatly. By not blocking the main thread, a technique that reduces CPU usage in a browser environment may offer a smoother user experience.
  • Readability and Maintainability: 
    • Code Clarity: Selecting techniques that improve the readability and comprehension of the code for fellow developers is crucial, particularly in teamwork settings. A basic loop might be easier to understand and maintain for others—or even your future self—than a recursive approach, even though the latter might be more elegant.
    • Convention and Best Practices: The selection of a method can also be influenced by community best practices and customs. A widely used pattern or technique might make it easier for other developers to use.
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Q1. What is the simplest JavaScript method for reversing a string?

Ans. Combining the join(), split(), and reverse() methods is the easiest method. This built-in method divides the string into arrays, flips the arrays, and then reassembles the arrays back into strings.

Q2. Is it possible to invert a string in JavaScript?

Ans. It is not possible to reverse a string in place in the same way that you might reverse an array because strings in JavaScript are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed after they are created. In reality, every operation that seems to change a string returns a new one.

Q3. Is recursion a useful JavaScript technique for string reversal?

Ans. Even though recursion is a strong and elegant solution, it isn’t always the most effective—especially when dealing with very long strings. If the maximum call stack size is exceeded or the string is too long, recursive methods may result in a stack overflow error.

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