How to Create a Programming Language in C++?


Making their programming language can be a rewarding and educational experience for software enthusiasts. Begin your exploration of this fascinating field by learning about the powerful and flexible C++ programming language. You will learn how to create a programming language in C++ from scratch by following this tutorial.

What is Programming Language in C++?

C++ is the most popular cross-platform programming language for developing high-performance software and applications such as operating systems, games, and e-commerce software. Bjarne Stroustrup developed it as an extension to the C programming language. It provides extensive control over memory and system resources.

Why Learn?

  • Among the most widely used and well-liked programming languages is C++.
  • Graphical User Interfaces, embedded systems, and operating systems are all made with C++.
  • It is an object-oriented programming language that incorporates all of the OOPs ideas, including inheritance, encapsulation, and abstraction, giving programs a clear structure and enabling code reuse that reduces development costs and increases security.
  • It is platform-neutral and can be used to develop applications that are cross-platform compatible.


  • Operating Systems: The most widely used programming language, C++, is a great choice for developing operating systems these days.  is used to write most of the software produced by Microsoft, including Mac OS X and Windows, Office, the IDE Visual Studio, and Internet Explorer.
  • Games: Game developers prefer to use C++ because of its proximity to the machine; they use it to create complex 3D games, multiplayer games, and other gaming systems. C++ is used by the Unreal Game Engine to create games.
  • Web Browsers: The majority of computer browsers are created in C++ to achieve certain objectives. It is used in the development of Mozilla Firefox, and Google Applications, Chrome, and the Google File System are partially written in C++.
  • Compilers: Because C and C++ are closer to the hardware and are somewhat lower-level than other higher-level programming languages, compilers for a wide range of programming languages are designed using them.
  • Embedded Systems: It is used to develop embedded systems that require the program to be closer to the hardware, such as smartwatches, medical equipment systems, mobile phones, etc. Unlike other high-level programming languages, C++ can execute a large number of low-level function calls.
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Compilers and Interpreters

Programmers use high-level languages. In other words, you aren’t working with registers, assembly code, or 0s and 1s. However, because your computer can only read 0s and 1s, it requires a method for converting easily readable data from your eyes into machine-readable data. This translation can be accomplished through either compilation or interpretation.

The process of translating a source language’s entire source file into a target language is called compilation. We’ll consider distilling your brand-new, cutting-edge language down to executable machine code for our needs.

Implementing Statements and Wrapping Up

Syntax: We are using syntax that is very similar to C and programming languages related to it, so I will only explain the parts that might be unclear.

The following are declarations of variable types:

  • The use of void is limited to the function return type.
  • number
  • string
  • T[] is an array containing elements of type T. R(P1,…, Pn) is a function that takes arguments of types P1 through Pn and returns type R. If a type is passed by reference, it can be prefixed with &.

Compiler: This section has a lot of new features, but if I go into too much detail, I’ll probably alienate even my most devoted readers. As a result, I will purposefully omit the compilation portion of the story. This is because I have already discussed it in my blog series’ first and second sections. I was concentrating on expressions, but gathering other information was pretty much the same.

But allow me to give you one instance. While statements are compiled by this code:

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statement_ptr compile_while_statement(

  compiler_context& ctx, tokens_iterator& it, possible_flow pf



  parse_token_value(ctx, it, reserved_token::kw_while);

  parse_token_value(ctx, it, reserved_token::open_round);

  expression<number>::ptr expr = build_number_expression(ctx, it);

  parse_token_value(ctx, it, reserved_token::close_round);


  block_statement_ptr block = compile_block_statement(ctx, it, pf);


  return create_while_statement(std::move(expr), std::move(block));



Q1. What do you mean by abstraction in C++?

Ans. The process of hiding details that programmers don’t want to show to users or that aren’t relevant to a specific user and only displaying the information that is required is known as abstraction.

Q2. What is best for?

Ans. Data structures, software engineering, in-game programming, browsers, operating systems, and applications are all developed using C++.

Q3. Can you use C++ to write a programming language?

Ans. The response is a trite “yes:” From C++, creating programming languages is a fairly simple process. Even completely distinct programming languages can be made that resemble or differ greatly from C++.

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