How to Import CSS File in React? Efficient Styling Strategies


To create visually appealing and functional user interfaces in React development, you must properly style your components. Many developers use CSS to style React components. This tutorial will show you How to Import CSS File in React.

What are CSS Modules?

A more contemporary method of styling React that encourages encapsulation and lowers the possibility of style conflicts is the use of CSS Modules. Styles are scoped to particular components with CSS Modules, preventing them from seeping into other areas of the program. This method helps to maintain a tidy and well-organized codebase, which makes it perfect for large applications with several developers.

How to Import CSS File in React

  • Install the necessary dependencies and start a new ReactJS project:-
  • Use the command below to navigate to your project’s root directory.

Importing an External CSS File:

Put the following code in the file index. CSS.


/* index.CSS */

* {

    margin: 0;



body {

    background-color: aqua;



h1 {

    border-radius: 20px;

    background-color: RGB(251, 141, 196);

    text-align: center;

    margin-top: 100px;


Importing CSS in ReactJs:

import React from ‘react’;

import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom’;

import ‘./index.CSS’;




        <h1> hello Geek!!</h1>


    , document.getElementById(“root”)


Using Inline CSS in React:

We don’t need to make a separate index.CSS file for this. Using

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import React from ‘react’;

import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom’;





            <style>// importing CSS


          body {

            margin: 0;

            background-color: aqua;






            <h1 style={{

                borderRadius: ’20px’,

                backgroundColor: ‘RGB(251, 141, 196)’,

                textAlign: ‘center’,

                marginTop: ‘100px’

            }}> Hello Geek!!</h1>





Using Internal CSS file in React:

Here is a sample of the code that uses the internal CSS, where all CSS is defined in the tag using the:


import React from ‘react’;

import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom’;







          * {

            margin: 0;


          body {

            background-color: aqua;


          h1 {

            border-radius: 20px;

            background-color: RGB(251, 141, 196);

            text-align: center;

            margin-top: 100px;






            <h1>hello Geek!!</h1>





Benefits of CSS Modules for Large Applications

  • Scalability: Encapsulation is encouraged by CSS modules, which facilitates application scaling without causing style conflicts.
  • Maintainability: Styles can be scoped to specific components, making updates and maintenance simpler.
  • Reduced style conflicts: A cleaner codebase is encouraged by CSS Modules, which make sure that styles don’t seep into other components.

Tips for Managing Styles in React Applications

  • To prevent conflicts, give your CSS classes consistent names.
  • Keep your CSS files manageable by organizing them. Think about making folders for CSS Modules, component-specific styles, and global styles.
  • Reduce the amount of inline styles you use because they are more difficult to maintain and can result in code duplication.
  • For added flexibility and maintainability, think about utilizing a CSS-in-JS library like Emotion or styled components.

FAQ’s of How to import CSS file in react

Q1. Which styling strategy works best for large-scale React applications?

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Ans. Because CSS Modules are maintainable and encapsulated, they are frequently suggested for large applications. They encourage a cleaner codebase and lessen style conflicts.

Q2. Can I combine different styles in a single React application?

Ans. In a single React application, you can indeed use global styles, component-specific styles, and CSS Modules in combination. This adaptability lets you select the most appropriate strategy for every situation.

Q3. Is it acceptable to use React’s inline styles?

Ans. React allows inline styles, but they should only be utilized in certain situations. Compared to other styling techniques, inline styles are more difficult to maintain and can result in code duplication.

Q4. Can I dynamically import CSS files into React?

Ans. Dynamically importing CSS files in React is possible, but it can be difficult and is not advised in most cases. To guarantee consistent behavior, it’s preferable to import styles at the start of the component lifecycle.

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