Double Slash in Python: What it is and How to Use it?


The double slash (//) operator is one of the operators available in Python, a programming language that is both powerful and versatile. It can be used to perform mathematical operations. What is Double Slash in Python, goal, capabilities, and typical use cases of Python’s double slash operator will all be covered in this in-depth tutorial.

What is Double Slash in Python?

Every symbol in a programming language, or any combination of symbols, can appear like a puzzle when you’re first learning the language. One such symbol in Python that may leave some puzzled is the double slash //. This is not an error or a typo; rather, it is a deliberate linguistic feature that fulfills a particular purpose.

The Basics of the Double Slash 

The floor division operator in Python is denoted by the double slash //. When dividing two numbers, it is utilized to produce an integer result that is rounded to the closest whole number. This is not the same as the single slash /, which yields a floating-point number (a number with a decimal point) and is utilized for standard division.


Example to illustrate this:

# Standard division

result_standard = 7 / 2

print(result_standard)  # Output: 3.5


# Floor division

result_floor = 7 // 2

print(result_floor)  # Output: 3


7 / 2 gives us 3.5 in the standard division since it is performing the division operation as you would expect. Nevertheless, 7 // 2 yields 3 when we divide the floor using the double slash. This is because floor division divides the number and then rounds down to the nearest whole number.

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Why Use Floor Division?

You may be asking yourself why we need to divide the floor when we can just divide and round down. When you know that only the integer portion of the quotient matters, floor division becomes a more efficient way to handle division. It goes beyond simple rounding down and is especially useful when dealing with indices in data structures such as lists and arrays that require whole numbers, or when the decimal portion of the division is unimportant.

Examples of Floor Division

The floor division of 12 by 5 in the example below yielded 2:


num1 = 12

num2 = 5

num3 = num1 // num2


print(“floor division of”, num1, “by”, num2, “=”, num3)

# Output: floor division of 12 by 5 = 2


In contrast, the result of dividing 12 by 5 normally would be 2.4, or 2 remainder 4:

num2 = 5

num3 = num1 / num2


print(“normal division of”, num1, “by”, num2, “=”, num3)

# Output: normal division of 12 by 5 = 2.4


This demonstrates how the division of two numbers by the // operator rounds the result down to the closest whole number.


The // operator would round the result to the closest whole number even if the decimal point was 9.


num1 = 29 

num2 = 10 

num3 = num1 / num2

num4 = num1 // num2


print(“normal division of”, num1, “by”, num2, “=”, num3)

print(“but floor division of”, num1, “by”, num2, “=”, num4)




normal division of 29 by 10 = 2.9

but floor division of 29 by 10 = 2


Furthermore, the outcome of floor division with a negative number would still be rounded down.

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Rounding down a negative number means moving away from 0, so be ready for the outcome. So, -3 is the result of dividing -12 by 5. Don’t be misled: although the number appears to be getting “bigger” at first, it is getting smaller (further away from zero or a larger negative number).

num1 = -12

num2 = 5

num3 = num1 // num2


print(“floor division of”, num1, “by”, num2, “=”, num3)


# floor division of -12 by 5 = -3

The Double Slash // Operator Works Like Math.floor()

Math. floor() in Python rounds a number to the closest integer, in the same way as the double slash // operator. Since math. floor() and the // operator accomplish the same task implicitly, they are substitutes for one another.


import math


num1 = 12

num2 = 5

num3 = num1 // num2

num4 = math.floor(num1 / num2)


print(“floor division of”, num1, “by”, num2, “=”, num3)

print(“math.floor of”, num1, “divided by”, num2, “=”, num4)




floor division of 12 by 5 = 2

math. floor of 12 divided by 5 = 2



The double slash (//) in Python is a useful operator for rounding integer results to the closest whole number. Because it differs from the common division (/), it ensures precise handling of computations involving integers, offering dependability and lucidity, especially when dealing with arrays or indexing, where decimals are superfluous.

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