100 Days of Code: A Journey to Programming Mastery


Learning programming can be an exciting and intimidating endeavor. The goal of the “100 Days of Code” challenge is to improve the structure, appeal, and satisfaction of this journey. This manual will assist you in comprehending the fundamentals of the task and offer pointers on how to optimize your performance.

What is 100 Days of Code?

Well, if you’re going after some major tech companies, there are a lot of subjects and things to cover. The problem is the short time frame; according to our research, it could take up to 100 days or nearly 14 weeks. All you need to do is adhere to the schedule and continue your commitment to coding for a full year—we have broken down the entire subject matter into 100 days. You will not only form a solid coding habit and succeed in interviews with 60–70% of tech companies if you adhere to this strategy and remain dedicated to the art of coding. 

In 100 days, we will cover 5–6 major topics and focus on interviews with representatives from major tech companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and so on. The subjects are listed below.

  • Cultural Fit
  • System Design
  • Object-Oriented Design
  • Data Structures and Algorithms (Coding part and problem solving)
  • Operating System and DBMS (database management system)

100 Days of Code For Beginners

Day 1 to Day 10

Selecting and sticking with a programming language is necessary. Examine different programming languages, learn about them, experiment in your code editor, and determine whether or not you feel comfortable using them. As you are selecting a language, many questions will come up. Which is better, Python or Java? Although Java syntax is more complex, large companies are working on it. What if I know more than one language? C++ is faster, so I should pick it. 

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Confusion will result from all of these questions, and when you try the languages in your code editor, you’ll also switch to a few different languages. Examine the languages and select the one that most suits your needs. Don’t pick a language based solely on how well-liked it is in the IT sector. You must select the language in which you feel most at ease. Almost four to five days will pass while learning a language.

After selecting a language, become proficient in its fundamentals; if not, review them if you already possess them (perhaps from working on your project in that language). It has been observed that many people lose track of the fundamentals of the language they have chosen. As a result, you must ensure that you speak your chosen language fluently. Learn the fundamentals of the syntax, take some online tests, and commit the fundamentals of your language of choice to memory. Learning the basics of your language could take a week or seven days.

Day 11 to Day 20

It’s time to study data structures and algorithms, which are the most crucial aspects of coding. Most undergrads are taught this subject, and most people don’t think it’s important. However, this subject’s topic is the most crucial one to discuss during the coding interviews. Acquire a basic understanding of the complexity of various data structures and algorithms. The subjects are listed below.

  • Trees
  • Tries
  • Arrays
  • Stacks
  • Hashing
  • Queues
  • Heaps
  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Linked List
  • Graphs (BFS and DFS)
  • Time and Space Complexity Analysis

Day 21 to Day 40

Practice answering the fundamental coding questions after you are comfortable with the fundamental data structures and algorithms. You can expand your thinking and get ready to tackle medium-level problems by practicing basic-level questions.

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Avoid skipping the foundational level; if you do, you won’t be able to solve more challenging problems and will have to return to it. In ten days, try to answer nearly 200 questions at the basic level. You can increase the number of questions based on your pace and amount of time. Asking roughly eight to twelve questions every day for four to six hours will assist you in laying a solid foundation. 

Day 41 to Day 60

It’s time to get ready for some medium-level practice questions. You’ll be better equipped to tackle more difficult problems by practicing on medium-level problems, many of which will be asked during the interview. In 20 days, try to answer roughly 150–170 medium-level questions. You can increase the number of questions based on your pace and amount of time. Approximately seven to eight questions per day, spread over four to six hours, is sufficient.

Day 61 to Day 75

Proceed to the final, challenging problems after you have resolved the easier and medium-level ones. Try to finish roughly 80–90 challenging questions in 15 days. You can increase the number of questions based on your pace and amount of time.

Day 76 to Day 92

It’s time to study database management systems and operating systems, the two most important topics in computer science. The OS and DBMS-related questions are typically difficult for junior engineers to answer, so they usually skip this section. However, getting ready for these two topics is also crucial for the interviews.

Review the fundamental ideas of the operating system, such as

  • Lock
  • Multithreading
  • CPU Scheduling
  • Process Scheduling
  • Distributed file system
  • Memory management
  • Critical section problem
  • Thread and Concurrency
  • Synchronization and Deadlock
  • Process and Process Management

Day 93 to Day 99

For seven days, get ready for an object-oriented design question. Software design patterns, SOLID/DRY principles, and various oops concepts should be well understood by you. The following are a few questions about object-oriented design.

  • Design an ATM
  • Design a Parking Lot
  • Design Vending Machine
  • Design a Movie Ticket Booking System
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Day 100

On the final day, get ready for the cultural round. Employers don’t take on toxic employees or applicants who lack enthusiasm for the product. Recognize the corporate culture. For instance, the bar is raised at Amazon, where culture is deeply ingrained. The leadership principle is very important to them. You will need to be truthful and demonstrate your interest in the product during interviews. We won’t put up with fakers. Thus, be sure to remember all of these things and approach your preparation with the appropriate mindset. 


Q1. 100 days of coding: what is it?

Ans. The 100 Days of Code challenge offers an excellent chance to explore and acquire knowledge about novel technologies. For developers, 100 Days of Code is a useful way to broaden your skill set and experiment with new languages, frameworks, and libraries. Developers tend to become accustomed to the languages and tools that they use daily.

Q2. Does 100 days of code make sense for newcomers?

Ans. It is my sincere belief that you should purchase this course if you are a beginner. It progresses you from novice to expert in Python and other coding languages. After completing this course, I experienced a significant identity shift because it made learning enjoyable. 

Q3. What does 100 days of Python code mean?

Ans. What you are going to discover. You will build 100 distinct projects in 100 days and learn the Python programming language. Python will be used to teach you automation, data science, machine learning, and game, app, and web development.

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